Abbreviations used
AB - Australian Bush
MA - Masters Essences
Other Essences to be added.
THE REPERTORY - Physical »Psychlogical »Spiritual
Flower Essences are energy remedies Their action is not physical but works on the subtle body which of course may act on the physical. Their effects may vary for different individuals. It is important that you understand your condition. All the information on this site is provided to help you do this and to choose essences and combinations that work for you. This listing is based on over twenty years experience of treating patients. The remedies have not been clinically tested or aproved by any authority. If you have any doubts, please consult your doctor especially in the case of physical ailments.
This Repertory is provided to help you to choose the right essence for your needs. Clicking on an essence name will show you a detailed description of its action.
• Physical