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Each person's whole energy system - aura, subtle bodies, chakras and meridians - forms a sort of personal 'blueprint' or `body map'. We are all born with this energetic blueprint which, like a thumbprint, is quite unique and different from person to person, however subtly. This energetic pattern holds within it characteristics that endow us with the potential to be as perfect - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - as we can possibly be.


When all the elements of your energy system are in balance you experience a deep sense of contentment and well-being. These are the times when life is joyful and everything feels comfortable. Think of those days when you wake up brimming with energy and looking forward to the day ahead. This abundant physical vitality goes hand in hand with a clear, focused mind. You are blessed with a sense of inner calm and cannot be ruffled by other people or the hustle and bustle of life. Deep down you feel safe and secure, as if cocooned from any danger lurking in the outside world, while at the same time totally involved in the here and now. These benefits come from knowing you are following a path or going in a direction that is right for you, one that will bring real purpose and meaning to your life.

For many of us such sensations are often rare and fleeting. This is because the stresses and strains of living conspire to prevent us from growing to fulfill our potential to be perfect.

We are all, however, capable of feeling this way most of the time because we are blessed with an intelligence or Higher Self that is aware of this energetic blueprint and knows how to keep the entire energy network in order. In other words, we intuitively or instinctively know what is best for us.

Sadly, we do not always hear or heed the wisdom of this inner voice.

In childhood it does not matter too much if our energy systems are thrown off-balance, for there is an abundance of energy or chi which can be used to override any disturbance or misalignment. There comes a point in time when this energy reserve is exhausted, however, and the imbalance begins to become ingrained in the system.

The Higher Self knows when this is happening and sends us warning signals in the form of physical, emotional and psychological symptoms. Typical signs of an energy imbalance are tiredness, feelings of anxiety, irritability and depression, as well as a susceptibility to colds and other infections. If an imbalance is not corrected, it will become firmly entrenched in the energy system and the resulting symptoms will get worse with time. It is my opinion that disease shows itself in the physical body only after disturbances of energy flow have already become crystallized in the subtle structural patterns of the higher-frequency bodies.

I believe that nature holds a cure for every ill, and that the Higher Self will guide us towards certain plants, herbs and flowers that can restore balance in our energetic system. In Chapter 4 you will find out how to follow your intuition and choose a combination of flower essences that will displace the disharmony in your energy system.

Before looking more closely at how flower essences work their wonders, let us first look at ways in which our energy systems can be thrown out of kilter.



Shock and stress in their many guises have a devastating effect on the subtle energy system. You can visualize this sudden shock as a pebble being hurled into a tranquil pond, sending ripples or shock waves reverberating through the water or, in this case, the subtle anatomy. This 'pebble', then, can be seen as the root cause of any upset, while the ripples are the physical repercussions of shock. Unlike the pond, however, which becomes still once the pebble has dropped to the bottom, when shock makes an impact on our subtle energy systems the disruptive effects linger unless steps are taken to bring everything back into balance.

As a consequence of shock the subtle bodies are thrown out of alignment and end up becoming either too close or too far apart from one another. When the mental and emotional bodies are not properly aligned to the etheric, for example, we experience feelings of anxiety. When the mental and emotional bodies are too close together we become prone to feelings of frustration and unknown fears, and are unable to make clear-cut decisions. Sometimes the properties of the subtle bodies spill over into each other. This is known as the 'spillage effect'. When the mental body flows into the emotional one, mental lethargy and loss of confidence ensues.

Any misalignment in the subtle bodies ultimately filters down to the physical body, where it triggers a range of symptoms depending on which part of the body is affected.

Shock can be divided into two main categories: traumatic and long, slow shock.


We live in an world full of horrific events that are often too distressing even to think about. Some of these, such as natural disasters, unpredictable violence and the death of a loved one, are age-old. Others, such as car accidents and bomb blasts which can maim and kill, are relatively recent phenomena.

At some time or other we are all likely to experience personally the shock of some traumatic event.

The worst kind are invariably those that are sudden and unexpected because they take us unawares. As they are not part of our ordinary life, we are totally unprepared for them and they shake us to the very core of our being.

The medical profession is only just beginning to appreciate the impact of such shock on our physical and psychological well-being. It has come to realize that such trauma gives rise to a range of symptoms resembling those experienced by shell-shocked war veterans. Such symptoms can last a lifetime unless steps are taken to redress their far-reaching effects.

The so-called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is now used to describe the aftermath of shock. The repercussions clearly permeate every level of our being.

Physically, those suffering from traumatic shock feel exhausted and drained of energy. In time the tiredness may lift, but it invariably gives way to all kinds of minor ailments such as stomach upsets, stiff necks and so forth. As such symptoms appear some time after the event has taken place, they often seem to have no apparent cause. Little wonder, then, that those suffering from PTSD are often thought of as hypochondriacs.

Shock has a particularly potent influence on the mind. Concentration becomes difficult, thoughts are blurred and decisions about even everyday issues such as when to do the shopping can pose problems. Emotions are volatile and range from anger and irritability to depression and despair. Sufferers often over-react to events that would not normally upset them, and steer themselves away from any kind of pressure. They may even suffer from panic attacks.

Confidence and self-esteem dwindle, making those suffering from shock less inclined to tackle new projects which they would previously have relished as a challenge. On a spiritual level, many feel compelled to reassess their lives. In the worst cases doubts arise as to whether life is really worth living.


This is more insidious than traumatic shock, for we are often unaware of its existence and it becomes an integral part of our lives.

Long, slow shock can start to take its toll even before we are born. Although safe inside the womb, the developing foetus will detect and react to its mother's stresses. Anxieties about her relationship with her partner and her fears and apprehension about motherhood can all be sensed by her unborn child.

In childhood we may experience stress when deprived of the right kind of love, attention and emotional nourishment. Ironically it can be equally stressful to be swamped by too much love (in the form of over-protectiveness or possessiveness). Parents who threaten to withhold their love unless they are obeyed also create a stressful environment for their offspring.

Children whose parents are always quarrelling will also suffer the effects of long, slow shock, as will those whose mother or father has a drinking problem or an incapacitating illness.

As this kind of stress goes unnoticed and is often present for prolonged periods of time, it becomes so familiar that it appears to be normal. We often usually fail even to identify it as shock.

The effects of long, slow shock are cumulative, which means that by the time a person reaches adulthood it has produced the same disruptive effect on the subtle energy system as sudden trauma.

Shock and stress set up an abrasive vibration which is at odds with the natural rhythm of the cells and forces them to 'dance to a different tune'. This ultimately affects the smooth and efficient functioning of all the organs and tissues. If left untreated, such distortion in the energy system ultimately manifests itself as disease of the mind, body and spirit.

The medical profession now agrees that stress can indeed make us more susceptible to illness. This is the reason we often tend to catch cold or fall victim to an infection after a stressful event has taken place or when we feel overly stressed at home or work. Some forward-thinking physicians believe that negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, frustration and irritability play crucial roles in undermining the body's resistance to disease.

Researchers working in the relatively new field of psychoneuroimmunology (or PNI) are attempting to fathom the link between such negative emotions and various disease states. They suggest that psychological and emotional states undermine our resistance in the way that they interact with our nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Seen from an energetic perspective, shock has the effect of throwing the emotional and mental bodies out of alignment. They leak into each other and, in turn, spill into the etheric body.

As a result of shock or stress the etheric , body can no longer hold its boundaries and perform its job of defending the physical body from disturbance in the subtle bodies.

The etheric body is also closely affiliated with the nervous system, which in turn is closely bound to the immune system. This then, is how mental and emotional disturbances act as immunosuppressants, weakening the body's natural defences and resistance to illness.

In cases of severe shock or trauma such as a bereavement or being violently attacked or wounded, the astral and etheric bodies are suddenly and dramatically thrown out of alignment. When this happens the aura breaks and holes appear. These gaps are potentially dangerous as the physical body is no longer fully protected and becomes vulnerable.

It is essential to clear the effects of shock out of the system, for if the subtle bodies are misaligned, the chi or life-force that sustains us cannot filter through and replenish our physical body.

Years ahead of his time, Dr Edward Bach (creator of the Bach Flower Remedies), realized that psychological upsets can be a root cause of disease. Bach was also aware that shock and stress provoke emotional or mental distress by heightening imbalances in the personality. Someone who normally has a tendency towards impatience and who prefers to work at his or her own speed, for instance, will become increasingly irritable, impetuous and prone to outbursts of temper and nervous tension as a result of shock or stress.

Bach described and discovered flower remedies for 38 negative states of mind. These remedies aim to bring you back to a state of emotional equilibrium. In keeping with various ancient philosophies, Bach believed that peace of mind and physical well-being go hand in hand.

In his book Heal Thyself, Bach wrote:
"We must steadfastly practise peace, imaging our minds as a lake ever to be kept calm, without waves or even ripples, to disturb its tranquillity and gradually develop this state of peace until no event, no circumstance, no other personality is able under any condition to ruffle the surface of that lake or raise within us any feelings of irritability, depression or doubt."

In the Repertory you will find essences helpful for many almost every permutation of shock and stress, including the urban stress that comes of the loneliness, isolation and loss of identity many of us feel as cozy, tight-knit communities disappear and new technology and pollution insidiously change the very nature of our environment. In Chapter 6 you will also find excellent first-aid combinations to have to hand in case of sudden shocks and emergencies.



Clean water, fresh air and natural foods are essential for good health, yet slowly and insidiously they are being polluted by synthetic chemicals.

Car emissions contain a noxious mixture of chemicals which irritate the lungs, trigger asthma attacks, exacerbate chest troubles and increase our vulnerability to respiratory infections. Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen in the blood and can, at high levels, suffocate the tissues. Breathlessness, dizziness, nausea, lethargy and faintness are typical symptoms. The situation is exacerbated during the Summer months, for in the presence of strong sunlight the chemicals in exhaust fumes react to form ozone. At ground levels ozone creates a smog that can cause eye irritations, headaches and breathing difficulties. It also damages plants.

Even indoors the air may be far from pure. Sealing buildings hermetically in order to conserve energy also encourages a build-up of irritant substances. While cigarette smoke is often the chief offender, chemicals given off by photocopying machines and carpets add to the load. Toxic gases may even evaporate from the adhesives and preservatives used in construction. Polluted air can cause headaches, difficulty concentrating, stinging eyes, sore throats and skin problems as well as lingering coughs and colds, in part because they create a grey etheric mucus-type substance which clogs up our energy system.

Chemicals in our food and water may come from industrial waste flushed into the seas and rivers, whereby they enter the food chain. Some of these synthetic chemicals, such as chlorinated organics, are extremely persistent. After entering the environment they accumulate in the food chain, sometimes building to high concentrations in certain animals. A typical example are PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), which are now banned but are still found in many foods, especially fish.

In addition to these long-lived chemicals, a huge number are also in daily use. Most commercially grown fruits, vegetables and cereals are liberally dowsed with at least one, usually several different chemicals as they grow and are kept in storage. Some crops may be sprayed with up to six different chemicals before they reach the supermarket shelves.

Particularly worrying is the little-known 'cocktail' effect or combined activity of many different chemicals. Emerging evidence suggests that pesticides and PCBs may act as immunosuppressants, contributing to the incidence of allergies and viral infections.

On an energetic level, chemical pollutants cloud the subtle anatomy - preventing realignment and directly affecting the opening and closing of the chakras. If not cleared from the system they can damage these important energy centres.


  • Vitamins A and E help the lungs and air passages to withstand smoke and chemical damage. Together with vitamin C and selenium they work as antioxidants, preventing pollutants from harming the body cells. Vitamin C also helps detoxify pesticide residues, while vitamins A and E protect the liver from chemical abuse and the B-complex vitamins increase efficiency of detoxification systems. The minerals calcium, magnesium and zinc also bolster resistance.
  • Ionizers and air purifiers help to remove pollutantparticles from the air.
  • Plants can help to diffuse office chemicals.
  • You should buy organically grown foods whenever possible. Alternatively, wash all fruit and vegetables in a mixture of filtered water and 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar.
  • Cold-pressed vegetable oils such as sunflower, olive and safflower reduce the absorption of toxins and speed their elimination.
  • Select free-range poultry, eggs and game whenever possible.
  • Avoid eating organ meats, as chemicals and hormones can concentrate in an animal's liver and kidneys.
  • Opt for bottled spring water and invest in a water filter which will extract pesticide residues as well as nitrates and heavy metals from your tap water.

Flower remedies to combat chemical pollution can be found in the Repertory.




The earth has its own' electromagnetic field which pulses, like a heart, at 470 beats a minute or 7.83 Hz (beats a second). These pulses are known as the Schumann waves after the German professor who discovered them in 1952.

It is no coincidence that we have in our bodies a pulse that is approximately the same, in the electrical signals - the alpha and beta waves - sent out by our brains. It is thought that this natural electromagnetic pulse may have a role to play in maintaining and sustaining good health. It is well acknowledged that NASA fits its spacecraft with 7.83 Hz oscillators to give its astronauts something to make them feel more comfortable - that is, it helps to regulate their sleeping/waking cycles.

Nowadays, however, the earth's natural pulse is being swamped by other forms of electrically and magnetically generated fields. Electromagnetic radiation from overhead power cables and pylons, televisions, computers, VDUs and radio and satellite transmitters is filling the atmosphere with what is commonly known as electronic smog. It may literally blanket the natural signals needed for good health.

Those which are the greatest cause for concern are the so-called ELFs (extremely low frequencies) because they are so similar to those of our own bodies. Particularly strong electromagnetic fields generated by such frequencies may have the power to influence our brainwaves, resulting in various behavioural and physical problems.

Depression, anxiety, irritability, chronic tiredness, headaches, nausea, sweating and indigestion are among the wide range of symptoms that have been attributed to electromagnetic pollution. Offices in particular tend to be filled with a wealth of artificial fields, which may contribute to what is known as Sick Building Syndrome.

Electromagnetic radiation can also occur naturally due to geographic faults (also known as 'geopathic stress') or underground streams and rivers. Ley lines are believed to indicate places where the earth's magnetic field is particularly potent. Such forms of radiation impinge on and affect our own electromagnetic force-field. X-rays, microwaves and even ultra-violet rays from the sun can distort the subtle bodies and, if powerful enough, can also alter the structure of DNA, the genetic material of our cells.

The consequences of continual over-exposure to such radiation may not show physically until 20 years after the event.

In his book, Electromagnetic Fields of Life the Russian physicist A. S. Presman of the Department of Biophysics at Moscow University explains the detailed experiments he carried out in 1968 which led to his discovery that such radiation was linked to physical problems such as blood disorders, hypertension, heart attacks, sexual dysfunction, lack of energy and nervous exhaustion.

Evidence is emerging that long-term exposure to emissions from VDUs, computers, word processors and television screens can cause chromosomal damage. Studies remain inconclusive and controversial, but some research has linked excessive VDU work with pregnancy problems including miscarriage, still births and birth defects. Embryos are particularly vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation in the first trimester when the cells are rapidly dividing. During this incredible growth spurt, the subtle blueprint has a particularly important role to play in ensuring that everything runs smoothly. It is possible that harmful electromagnetic radiation may damage the blueprint, with far-reaching consequences.


  • Switch off electrical appliances when not in use. . Prevent static build-up by filling your home or office with bowls of flowers, sprinkling water on all carpets and wearing natural materials like cotton and silk instead of synthetics. Never wear rubber-soled shoes.
  • Avoid being in the vicinity of pylons and overhead cables.
  • Do not set up home in areas known to be affected by geopathic stress.

Flower remedies to combat electromagnetic pollution can be found in the Repertory.




Many of us rely heavily on different kinds of props to boost our energy levels, steady or stupefy our nerves and generally help us to cope with our frantic pace of life. Alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine-laden drinks, however, only provide us with short-lived energy and, once the effects wear off, leave us feeling more depleted than before. These 'social poisons' also have dangerous side-effects.


Alcohol damages cells of the brain and nervous system, giving rise to a wide variety of symptoms ranging from lack of concentration, confusion, memory loss, insomnia or lethargy to agitation, irritability and exhaustion.

At an energetic level, alcohol loosens and misaligns the subtle anatomy. It has a particularly disruptive influence on the etheric and astral bodies, making them slip out of sympathy with each other, which is why self-control and will-power are weakened. Alcohol also gives rise to a murky, greenish-brown aura congested with a sticky, mucus-like substance.


Cigarette smoke contains a cocktail of noxious chemical substances, many of which are known to be carcinogenic. The health hazards of smoking are well known, but the harm cigarettes cause the energy system is also significant. Smoke clouds and weakens the subtle anatomy, surrounding it with a fog which dulls and discolours the normally bright, vibrant hues of the aura. It also prevents the aura from cleansing itself. The etheric body is particularly affected by this grey mucus, which undermines the body's first line of defence.


Coffee and caffeine-rich foods and drinks stimulate the adrenal glands into producing adrenaline, a hormone normally secreted in times of stress which gives us a sudden rush of energy and mental focus. The effects do not last long, and when caffeine levels fall we invariably end up feeling as tired as before. Increasing caffeine intake acts as an additional stress, which produces feelings of anxiety, irritability and jumpiness. Excessive caffeine intake has also been linked to breast lumps in women.

From an energetic viewpoint, caffeine disturbs the flow of energy in the meridian system. This affects the etheric body, which in turn causes leakage in the emotional and mental bodies. An imbalance in these energies results in emotional instability and disruption to the nervous system. It also upsets the solar plexus chakra, the seat of emotional balance - and the effects then filter down to the stomach.

Importantly, caffeine actually prevents flower remedies from working by misaligning the subtle bodies.

Certain flower essences help to overcome addiction to these social props, while others counter their negative impact on the subtle energy systems (see the Encyclopaedia, Repertory and Recipe sections of this book).



Modern medicines may be essential when it comes to treating physical illness, and they undoubtedly do save lives. On the flip side of the coin, many also have undesirable sideeffects.

These vary from drug to drug, but they all have a generally disruptive influence on the energy systems. They tend to cloud the subtle anatomy and cause the subtle bodies to separate from one another. At the same time they also prevent realignment. They also affect the chakras' function of regulating and dispersing energy - especially the throat chakra, which is particularly susceptible to drugs.

Steroids, for example, create congestion in the solar plexus and heart chakras, preventing the nervous and muscular systems from receiving energy or life-force.

Taken in conjunction with orthodox medication, flower essences gently help to buffer these undesirable effects. They can also be taken after a course of medication to realign the subtle bodies and generally re-balance the energy systems.

More importantly perhaps, flower essences actually allay the need for taking orthodox medication, for if taken soon enough they can help prevent disease from occurring in the first place.

Flower remedies may, for example, negate the need for antibiotics by boosting the body's natural immunity. They help by clearing away physical toxins as well as toxic thoughts, emotions and, last but not least, spiritual toxicity which pollutes the energy system. As a consequence the body's natural defence system is strengthened and becomes better able to repel viral and bacterial invasion.

At present there is increasing concern about the repercussions of using drugs like antibiotics too frequently. It is well recognized that bacteria gradually adapt to any antibiotic, so in using these drugs too much they are made less useful for everyone. Yet in the United States sales of antibiotics have doubled since the mid-1980s, and seven out of 10 Americans are prescribed these drugs when they seek treatment for common colds. Is it just coincidence that drug-resistant infections are also soaring?

Resistant germs are hard to treat and can spread through the community. They do not threaten us all equally. A healthy immune system repels most bacterial invaders regardless of their susceptibility to drugs. However, certain people such as the elderly and sick are more vulnerable, and when they contract such bacterial diseases they are harder to treat. While drug companies may see this as the ultimate challenge to invent new wonder antibiotics, surely it is better to strengthen our natural immunity and encourage both doctors and patients to stop abusing the weapons we have.


In cases where disease is already manifest and there is a need for surgery, it is good to know that flower essences can help to reduce the effects of such trauma and aid recuperation.

When tissues are cut and injured during an operation or accident, the subtle energy system receives an almighty jolt. Wherever the physical damage occurs it is accompanied by a rupture in the etheric body print. This must be healed along with the tissues to ensure that the damaged area does not remain weak, vulnerable and prone to recurrent problems. For even when the scars have faded, the subtle bodies may still be misaligned.

Before undergoing any operation it is a good idea to take Bach's Rescue Remedy orFive Flower Remedy, or Australian Bush Emergency Essence to ease the shock and trauma. As well as the shock of the operation, anaesthetics themselves also throw you into a state of suspension. This results in feelings of disorientation, unworldliness and dragging tiredness. (See page 210 for my recipe for clearing the after-effects of anaesthesia.)



It is important to clear away any imbalance in the subtle anatomy, otherwise it can become etched in the system and passed on to future generations. These inherited flaws in the energetic bodies are referred to as miasms.

The concept of miasms was originally introduced by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. He was puzzled to find that some patients failed to respond to treatment, while others who improved relapsed after only a short time. He looked at these 'difficult' cases and found a common 'blocking' factor in their personal or family history - such as the presence of certain diseases which have been passed on from one generation to another. He called these blocks 'miasms'.

We might visualize a miasm as a void or lack of life-force. They are usually stored in the subtle bodies - especially the etheric, emotional, mental and, to a lesser extent, the astral body. Here miasms may lie dormant for long periods of time, only flaring up occasionally and leading to chronic or acute illnesses, trauma, stress and age-related conditions. A bad fall or emotional shock may easily allow them to filter down from the subtle bodies into the physical anatomy, resulting in the development of various symptoms. As we get older, our natural vitality diminishes, making it easier for miasms to emerge. This could help explain why we tend to become more prone to all kinds of disease as we age.


Flower essences help to remove miasms from the system. Once a remedy's life-force filters down to the physical level, an immediate rebalancing and readjustment begins to take place. The essences release the miasm from the cells' genetic material and from the subtle bodies, so that it can be discharged from the system.

It may take some time for these shifts to take place, so do not expect miracles to happen overnight.

Dr Hahnemann described three basic types of 'inherited' miasm (psora, syphilitic and sycosis) which he believed to be the underlying causes of chronic disease. Each predisposes a person to a particular range of health problems. Homeopaths have since added many more illness-causing miasms to this list, including tuberculosis, radiation and heavy metals.


Associated with suppressed skin disease, a psora miasm leads to imbalance in the rhythmic bodily functions and causes general mental and physical irritation. Typical symptoms are tiredness, anxiety, sadness or depression as well as skin disorders, congestion in the tissues and bone structure deformities.


Associated with suppressed syphilis, this miasm has a destructive effect on all the tissues, especially the bones. Cardiac and neurological symptoms are common. Those carrying this miasm are easily upset, sentimental, irritable and suspicious. This miasm may manifest as meningitis.


Associated with suppressed gonorrhoea, this miasm encourages congestion in the skin, the pelvic region, the joints and the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts. It may cause fearfulness, nervousness and amorality.


This miasm may cause susceptibility to respiratory, circulatory, urinary and digestive problems, resulting, for example, in weight loss and poor circulation. Those carrying this miasm typically tend to be escapists who feel unable to make decisions or face life's realities. It may also manifest as mental illness and cancer.


Most homoeopathic research into miasms was conducted in the 1800s and early 1900s, when infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis were prevalent. Today we are

faced with new threats to our health which derive from modern-day pollutants and are known as 'acquired miasms'. Petrochemical

Springing from the major increase in petrol and chemical products, the problems this causes are fluid retention, diabetes, infertility, impotence, miscarriage, hair loss/greying hair, muscle degeneration, skin blemishes, or a metabolic imbalance resulting in the storage of fat in tissues. It also blocks assimilation of vitamin K, causing circulatory and endocrine disorders. Those affected find it difficult to resist stress and suffer from various types of psychosis, especially schizophrenia and autism. Leukaemia, skin and lymph cancer can also occur.


Associated with the massive increase in background radiation since the Second World War, this miasm primarily affects the skin, connective tissue, circulation and reproductive systems. Symptoms include premature ageing, slower cell division, loss of skin elasticity, rashes, lupus, skin cancer, anaemia, leukaemia, arthritis, allergies, bacterial inflammations (especially in the brain), hair loss, hardening of the arteries, miscarriage, excessive bleeding in women and sterility or a drop in sperm count in men.

Heavy Metals

Resulting from increased levels of toxic metals and chemicals such as lead, 'mercury, radium, arsenic, aluminium, fluoride and sulphuric acid, the symptoms of this miasm include allergies, fluid retention, an inability to assimilate calcium, viral inflammations and excessive hair loss.

Remedies to combat all these types of miasms can be found in the Repertory.


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The Practitioner's ENCYCLOPEDIA
of Flower Remedies

The definitive practical guide to their making & uses

by Clare G Harvey

LIVING BETTER: Flower Essences
a new book of remedies & inspirations for well-being

by Clare G Harvey
